Saturday 31 October 2015

11, (pt.2)

Life’s been treating me well, and I’m glad. It has been a great week, most of it has been at least. Really can see myself improving day by day; I smiled more, laughed more, got angry less easily and cared lesser (about things which shouldn’t even bother me in the first place).

I’ve been traveling around quite a lot lately, and that means more thinking time. As I’m typing this right now, I’m actually on a long bus ride towards Clementi. What better ways to relax and calm your soul than a long bus ride yea?

It's taking me extremely long to type out this post and I have no idea why. I started typing this out on a bus, at approximately 1pm? Now I'm at a cafe outside SAM and it's 4pm. I can't seem to gather my thoughts together, to put them into proper sentences. I started out typing this post with lots on my mind, and now, they're all gone. I started out my day feeling extremely happy and i've no idea why but now, I feel confused and lost. Maybe it's the crowd getting to me. Really hate how crowded the streets can be on the weekends...

Anyways, let's try to get back to what I wanted to talk about from the start; people.
Everyday, we meet new people as we walk down the streets to school or work, and it dawned on me that the possibility of meeting that few people again is very slim. There's about 6 billion people in the world and the people you call your friends... they're just such a tiny percentage of the whole population. So, when you actually think about it, it must be really the work of fate that brought you to the people you have around you now, at this very moment.

For this whole year, I've been to the library countless of times and I've also made many new friends because of that. Right now, I'm only left with 2 papers till the end of my O's. That would also mean lesser or maybe even no more trips to the library. Don't get me wrong, i'm extremely excited for my exams to end. However, I can't help but feel slightly emotional that my journey in secondary school is officially coming to an end. It has been an amazing 4 years and even though I may not speak very highly of my school… I’m thankful for all the people I’ve ever met and I’m just really grateful for everything that has happened.

Speaking of friends, it’s funny how I can be the exact opposite of some of my friends, yet click so well with them at the same time. I prefer going to museums, taking photos, reading books and just spending my time at some place cosy, chatting with the people I love about anything and everything. However, some of my friends prefer going out to drink, to smoke, to club and just spend their time hanging out at some place chill, blasting music while chatting. It amuses me sometimes how we can all get along so well despite our differences in taste. All I can think of now is how grateful I am for each and every single one of them.

Don’t you ever walk past someone and wonder how their day has been? (I apologise for the sudden chang in topic but I honestly have too much to say.) I’ve always been the curious type; wanting to know how someone is thinking, how someone is feeling. Just 10 minutes ago, I just talked to the woman sitting beside me, asking her how she got inspiration for her art and if she has been drawing for long. It may seem pretty creepy of me, but I honestly feel that one can learn a whole lot just by talking to new people everyday. I love meeting new people, talking to them, making friends with them and learning more about them.

Right now, I feel so satisfied letting some of my thoughts out of my head. It’s getting pretty late and I’m about to go explore the new exhibitions at SAM now. Thanks for reading, if you did bother.

Have a great day!

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