Friday 11 December 2015


Firstly, i would like to start off by apologising. I've been neglecting this project an awful lot and i've also been terribly inactive even though it's already my holidays, so i apologise for that.

I also have an awful lot to say and i honestly don't know where to start. Judging from this post's title... yes, i am going to restart #LIGx2project. I figured it will be better and more meaningful if i just started it all over again since it's nearing christmas and i just thought this will be a great time to do that.

Though #LIGx2project hasn't been on my mind lately, (not to brag but) i do feel that i'm slowly shaping into the person i want to be. For the past few weeks after my exams have ended, the first thing i did was to go for Red camp. (After dying my hair, catching infinite's concert, and renewing my USS pass of course.)

Red camp was somewhat life-changing for me. For starters, Red camp is a camp organised by Ngee Ann Poly for students graduating from secondary schools. We get to learn more about the school and the courses they offer, and also learn some amazing cheers, and make equally amazing friends along the way. Truth to be told, i was actually really reluctant to go at first. However, as i promised one of my friends that i'll go with her, i still went in the end. And i'm just so thankful that i did. I found another one of my so-called dream courses there, met so many wonderful people and just had such a great 3 days.

A few days after Red camp, i flew to Japan. It was a great trip, i guess. During the trip, i didn't really get to keep in touch with what's going on back here in Singapore due to the lack of wi-fi and i thought that that was really beneficial for me. It sort of felt like i was sent to a faraway land where i can escape reality for a bit. I know it sounds silly since Japan isn't really that far from Singapore but i felt great after the trip. I honestly enjoyed myself a lot and i can't wait to visit Japan again.

One of my friends recently told me that he felt that i am more carefree nowadays and wow you have no idea how glad i am to hear that. I'm getting closer to becoming the person i want to become and i'm really proud of myself.

Today, i read a book on Wattpad called My Wattpad Love. You guys know how much i love reading and how engrossed i can get when i read. The book wasn't particularly long but it's a really good read. I started in the evening and i finished it just a few hours ago which is really fast since i read really slowly. After reading the book, i realised how much i missed reading and also how much i've neglected the few life resolutions i made for my #LIGx2project. So from now on, i'll try my best to write more but that'll be a challenge since i'm having a serious writer's block lately.

Another thing that i would like to get off my mind is actually my thoughts while i was reading MWL. There was this particular sentence i really like from the book and i quote, "Writers always leave pieces of themselves in their stories.". It's not like some life-changing quote or anything but i really like it. I guess that's where most of my inspiration for my story comes from; my life. However, there's a catch to it. When i'm writing, i guess i enjoy the process so much as i get to write about things that i hope can happen in my life and basically, it's just another way to escape reality. The feeling of being able to create of story of my own life with a twist to it - a happy ending i'll never get just makes me feel more hopeful sometimes. I'm a hopeless romantic, without a doubt, but i still do know where i stand and where the line between reality and fantasy is. I guess writing just enables me to create a fairytale i know i'll never get.

I really like reading as it somehow just brings me to this whole new world of feelings and imagination. Even though they're just words... i can imagine everything written so clearly - how the characters look like, the places they've been etc. Reading has been a huge part of my childhood, and still is a huge part of my life, and i guess that's where most of my creativity comes from and why my friends like to say that "Oh, Amander's in her own world again.".

And after this huge chunk of words that all seem like they have no link with each other, i thank you for reading. I'll be back, i promise.
Life is good, life is great.

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