Tuesday 20 October 2015


So as of recently, i've been getting myself exposed to many different kind of blogs and instagram accounts to just maybe get inspired. There're a few people whom i personally really admire - be it their photography skills, their way with words, their mindsets.... everything. (I'll leave links to their blogs down below!) There're so many amazing people with amazing talents around us and i just can't help but be inspired by their works and the things they do. Remember that secret about me wanting to become a writer one day? Well, if i want it, i better start working for it. And firstly, i shall start off by blogging more since that's pretty much i can do recently with all my time occupied with o's.

Also, i have just changed my blog url to LIGxtwo.blogspot.sg, which basically just means life is good, life is great. I know that's real cliché but it has sort of been a daily mantra for me and it really helps me feel more positive, thus, LIG times two.

So from tomorrow onwards i shall start this #LIGx2project which will last for 365 days and i'll try my best to ensure that i stick to all my resolutions and make myself a better person by the end of it.

First off, character development.
One of my main goals right now is to be a better person and to do that, i'll have to start changing the way i act and think.
  1. Forgive and forget.  To be real honest, i hold a lot of grudges and they, in return, weigh me down as well. I find it really difficult to forget about certain unfortunate events at times and that leads to it being really tough for me to forgive someone. But i'll try, i'll do my best and try to clear off all the hatred i have had in me.
  2. Always look on the bright side. I, for one, am an extremely negative person. I mean, yea, i can be quite positive when i'm happy but on a whole... i guess i am pretty negative. However, i believe that the brain is an amazing thing. Once you start believing in something, everything can actually seem okay even when it's not. So, changing my mindset into a positive one is definitely going to be on this list. 
  3. Complain lesser. This is extremely important as well. Yes, there'll times when i have to rant a little to get the steam out of my head but i'll try to do it less and to appreciate what i already have instead of looking at what i don't have. 
  4. Be nice, especially to those who deserve it. I don't mean to brag but i am generally a pretty nice person i guess? However, i admit that sometimes i can be a little overly biased towards the people i like more and tend to neglect the rest. So from now on, i'll treat everyone equally and just be as nice as i can, to every single person.

Second off, life resolutions.
Though people usually set resolutions at the start of a new year or on a special date... i shall do it differently. I mean, if i really want to achieve something, i should just start it immediately right? 
  1. Finish up my book. This is kinda more towards my aspirations i guess? If i haven't mentioned before, i'm actually writing a book. It would probably be like one of the books you see on wattpad instead of those out in the stores as my standard obviously isn't there yet. I'll make sure that i'll have it completed by the time this project is over and we'll see how things go from there. 
  2. Take pride in the things that i do. At times, i have always envied other people who are more talented than me and just hope that i can do the things that they can do as well. However, i've come to realise that each and everyone of us is different and unique in our own way and i should definitely not compare myself to anyone at all. Instead, i should just put in more effort into the things i do and constantly improve myself. 
  3. Pick up a new skill. I have no idea what i want to learn yet, but i'll figure things out. I don't really have that many talents so i guess i shall start finding myself some.
  4. Save money. There is nothing that i actually have to buy but i have never been good at saving money so this will be quite a challenge. 

Lastly, daily routines.
Read more, capture more, love more. I guess i won't have to explain much about this right?

If you're actually taking up your time to read this, thank you. Lots of love and appreciation for you!! Have a great day, night, week, month, year and most importantly, have a great life.

Links here!! There're obviously much more but these are a few i liked the most.

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