Thursday 14 January 2016


The best thing one can do when it rains, is to let it rain.

I sincerely apologise for not being as active as i hoped i would be this year. Truth is, i have this huge  box of thoughts in my head and everyday, the box gets heavier and heavier, and when i finally force myself to sit in front of my laptop to begin typing, the box just suddenly becomes so messy i just can't structure my thoughts into proper sentences. However, i promised myself that i shall blog today, and i will.

I got my results a few days ago and i just can't help but feel extremely disappointed in myself. I didn't do as well as i expected and i was just in a state of confusion after getting my results. The next few days after that were slightly rough as well. I fought (sort of) with a friend who means a lot to me and at that very moment, it honestly felt like my whole world was slowly crumbling again. Nevertheless, all's well that ends well. I managed to get myself back together, i managed to solve my differences with that friend of mine, and i also got a job at MUJI.

Last night, i was on Youtube and i saw this video by Connor Franta. It was a video talking about how we, human beings, do not have total control of our lives. Connor expresses how he's trying to let himself accept that certain things are out of his control and that everyday, something in our lives is changing. Regarding the quote right at the top, i just feel that who are we to fight against fate? Almost everything happens for a reason, sometimes a reason we aren't even sure of. The one thing i'm sure we have control of is how we want to feel about the changes that are constantly happening in our lives. As long as we have the right mindset and attitude, i'm pretty sure everything will turn out just fine.

Also, i re-watched an episode of GMW, Girl Meets Boy and i found that episode quite interesting. Firstly, i would like to say that yes, GMW is a kids' show from Disney and yes, i may be too old for these kind of shows but GMW teaches actual life lessons that people from all walks of life can learn. This particular episode shows how teenagers nowadays rely too much on electronic devices. Almost everything that one need can be obtained via that one small little gadget - it's our alarm, it's our way of communicating with and contacting people, it's our calendar, it even has almost every kind of knowledge you'll ever need to know.

Yes, our electronic devices, specifically our smartphones, are really essential in the lives of the current generation but even then, we shouldn't enable it to take over our lives. Whenever i hang out with my friends, i find myself using my phone really little compared to when i'm alone. It feels so good to be able to talk to someone face to face, to see their genuine reactions to the things i say, instead of having to decipher what they're actually thinking just by looking at the way they type and the emojis they use. I love it even more when my friends don't use their phone often when they're with me as well.

Honestly, right now at this very moment, i'm in serious need of a getaway. I was watching Hannah Montana The Movie the other day and i just can't help but imagine how it would be like to stay at somewhere similar to the countryside for a few days, disconnected from the world. All i'll need then would be a good pot of tea, my camera, and a good book. It would be great to have an internet detox at this time of the year, especially when everyone's re-thinking through how they want to carry on with their lives and what resolutions they should keep.

On a side note; i'm going to try starting up a dayre since it's a whole lot easier to use. For more of me, you can join me here. Of course, i'll still try my best to update here and until then, stay blessed and happy my friends. :-)

Life is good, life is great.

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