Sunday 10 January 2016


I'm getting my results tomorrow, in less than 24 hours' time.

To say that i'm terrified out of my mind is an understatement. I'm feeling nervous in a way i've never felt before. This one result, on that one paper, can determine how the rest of my life will be.

Within the past few months, i've discovered a new found passion inside of me. And that would have to be this love of producing something. I've always known that i would like to go into the media industry and that i would like to do something related to photography. Recently, whenever i watch films and read storybooks, i would think to myself; how great would it be for my name to be part of the credits of a good film or book one day? I love to read and i also love to write. I would also love to try being in the film industry, to produce or direct something, or even write a whole script.

But the question here is, will i be able to go down the path i want to go? That few digits will determine what kind of course i'm going to and that will in turn determine the kind of job i'll get when i grow older. I just hope for the best and i'll just take whatever comes and make the best out of it.

If you're reading this and are collecting your results tomorrow too, i wish you all the best.
I'll be back!

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