Saturday 20 February 2016

II, (Change.)

"We're changing, everything's changing."

I recall writing a blog post once on fate, on how we have no control over certain things in life. I feel the topic on change is somehow related to that as well. The world is constantly changing, and so are we along with it. How are we ever going to improve ourselves and our lives without change?

First off, i would like to share something that means a lot to me, or two people actually to be exact. 18 years ago, Carissa was born; a year later, i was born; and a year after that, Charlotte was born. Our parents were best friends in their twenties so when the three of us were born consecutively each year, there was no doubt we would became best friends too. I've known them my whole entire life and they're the people, besides my family, who've seen me grow and change for the past 17 years. We met really often when we were young; our parents will bring us to each others' houses and we'll just somehow entertain each other really well. Our hobbies, likes and dislikes, all changed with us as we grew; the type of music we listen to, the things like, and the things that keep us entertained, they all changed along with us. Though the three of us have totally different personalities and, of course, our own groups of friends, there's still this little world that belongs to us and where all our memories are kept and never forgotten. I would just like to say that even though we're all constantly changing, even though the people and things around us are also constantly changing, some things, such as a friendship or relationship of some sort, do remain constant midst all these changes in our lives.

Of course i'm afraid of change. No one can predict what will happen in the future. Yes, some believe that our future are in our hands. However, i beg to differ. For example, some people feel that if you cherish a friend enough and keep him or her close to you, you'll never lose them. The thing is, if they're meant to be there with you all the way, they will be, even if you let them go. If they're not, they'' leave no matter how tightly and closely you hold them. These changes in life are what make our lives more interesting and fun, It also kinda gives us a purpose in life. There are a lot of people who are going to enter and leave our lives in the many years to come, and there's nothing we can do to stop that. People come and people go. We gain things as we lose others. The best thing to do when it rains, is to let it rain. It's a quote that's been keeping going and i just feel that we just have to let go of certain things and people sometimes, in order for us to grow and change. And that's just because holding onto something too tightly will just hurt us even more in the end if we're just meant to let it go. We have to accept change, in order for change to start turning us into better people, for it to make our lives better.

Things change the way you feel. And things change.

Change is inevitable. It may not always be something good, but it definitely will lead to something better for us in the future. This is just some late night thought i have before going to sleep. It's currently 3.24am and i hope all of you will have a wonderful weekend ahead.

Life is good, life is great.

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