Tuesday 16 February 2016


Happiness is a choice.

One of my friends just said this today and even though this probably should be like common sense... it kinda just struck me hard. All this while, i've been blaming everything and everyone around me whenever i'm feeling down and upset. I blame anything and everything i could and just really wondered why everything was just going against me.

"You will only be hurt a finite number of times during your life.
However, you have an infinite number of ways to deal with it."

While letting this phrase get to me for a bit, i started to wonder why was i even down in the first place, why did i even let myself feel so weak? Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with breaking down and having random moments of despair in one's life. I just felt that i should have allowed myself to handle each situation better, that i shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me, leaving myself in a complete state of mess. Happiness is a choice. Believe it or not, it really is.

There're billions of people in the world and each and every single one of us are going through something at any point of time, be it good or bad. We.re so small when compared to the whole universe. There's people who have had it worse than us but are still surviving, there's also some, on the other hand, who have it better than most of us but are complaining. It's completely up to us to decide how to feel and how we should act whenever we come across something that may dampen our spirits. Our lives are in our own hands and no one other than ourselves should get to decide our fate.

I know i'm kinda getting a little out of topic and i also do realise that i've talked about something along this line plenty of times but i really can't stress this enough. Even i, someone who frequently talks about this, can forget it sometimes when i get myself into certain horrible situations and honestly, i can get really tiring sometimes trying to always be positive, to always look on the bright side, But i can assure you that it'll be worth it, you'll see.

Life is good, life is great.

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