Wednesday 3 February 2016


New year, new url?

Hey, what's up you guys? I'm so sorry for not being around though i promised i would try to blog more often. I'm actually updating pretty often over on my Dayre account so you can pop over and check it out if you like. :-)

How's the new year coming in for you guys? January has come and go, leaving me in a really peaceful state. Right now, i'm just either at work or lazing around at home.

Today,  i've come to a decision to end the #LIGx2project. Don't get me wrong, i love the whole idea of this 365-day long self-improving project but i guess the reasons i started it just made it a whole lot harder to keep up with it. Truth to be told, yes i did start it to make myself a better person, however, there was this little piece of me who wanted to do it because i just saw other people doing something similar and it seemed to cut out for them, thus i decided to give it a try. Right now, i just feel that yes, it did help at the start but is this really what i want to do and should be focusing on right now? I mean, of course it's important for me to want to improve myself but come on, i'm still young, i'm just about to start my poly life. Instead of focusing so much on this project and feeling the need to CONSTANTLY update about it just makes me not want to do it anymore.

Instead of saying i'm going to end it, maybe i'll just postpone it. I'm at this phase of my life right now where i really have no idea what i want to do in my future. I thought i had my future under control, but it turns out that i don't. Yes, the course i got into is something i want to do, but it's still not my dream course. And because of this little, how should i put it, unexpected twist of events, my ambitions for the future and what i'll be doing in ten years just suddenly become a huge blob.

I've always found myself to be someone who expresses herself better through writing, through visuals, instead of communicating face to face. That's one of the reasons why i have no interest in creating videos and why i blog instead. I love to write, i've a whole lot of ideas in my head but i've yet to find the style of writing i'm most comfortable with yet. Like i said before, i'm still young. I'm still at this stage of my life where i can experiment with different things, where i can take my time to find out who i really am, who i really want to be.

"amanderetc" - I decided to use this as my new url as it basically just stands for Amander Et Cetara. Which also basically just means everything about me. I'm not going to set any new resolutions, at least not any specific ones just yet. All i really want to do this year is to just count my blessings more and live life happier than before. I'm still finding my way around my words and i'm still trying to figure out how my life should go on. And before i do, to those of you who do really read my posts, THANK YOU! Thanks for bearing with my lack of posts and poor usage of grammar and vocabulary, Thanks for being on this journey with me.

I'll be back, and before i do, stay blessed and happy y'all.

P.s. Just a little read for you if you're interested here, and also a really nice video here
Life is good, life is great.

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