Monday 21 March 2016


There's always gonna be another mountain,
i'm always gonna wanna make it move.
Always gonna be an uphill battle,

sometimes i'm gonna have to lose.

Ain't about how fast I get there,
ain't about what's waiting on the other side;
it's the climb.

Earlier today, The Climb by Miley Cyrus played on the radio. Hannah Montana was part of my childhood and as a child, all i knew was that Disney music sounded nice and i could just replay them over and over again. Now, listening to this as a older teen, this song kinda spoke to me and i just felt like i have to pen my words down.

I used to blog about my life, sharing every single photo i took when i went out with my friends. My blog was just filled with photos and horrible English; not that my English now is any great, but it is definitely a whole lot better. Currently, this blog is a space for me to pen down my thoughts, thoughts that i find really hard to share with the people around me, but also thoughts i really want to get out of my head. Very few of my friends read my blogs, from what i know at least. Even if they do, they don't talk to me about it. Thus, i find it really easy to talk about anything and everything here as if no one will ever read it.

That being said, i would also like to share that i got my application letter for NAFA today. It's not my dream school, nor is it my dream course, but it actually is something i want to study. I've always known i would like to go down the more artsy and creative path as i know i'm not cut out for anything business-relatedl. Of course, TP is still my one and only choice and i find it a huge pity i couldn't get in. Now, i'm enrolled into Visual Communication at NYP. I don't dislike the school or course, i don't like it as much as i should either. However, i believe it's the best choice for me, distance-wise and course-wise. It's a course which is super closely-related to what i want to do so i guess it's alright. And i'm really glad i made a decision and i don't have to fuss over which school i'll be going to anymore.

Regarding the song, it just made me realised that no matter how successful one can be, there'll always be problems being thrown at you; you'll always find yourself in some sort of difficult situations and sometimes, it can just get so hard and tiring. But instead of focusing on the outcome of the problem, we should be focusing on how we'll get over it and the kind of lessons we'll learn from it.

Certain old problems of mine are suddenly coming recently, and i just get really frustrated thinking about it that my mood can just go all the way down in a flash. But i'm trying, trying to rid myself off these problems and to do that, i decided to try to experience new things, to meet new people and just get a better life for myself. I've been experimenting with my writing for a few years now and i just keep getting inspirations everywhere till i still haven't found my own writing style yet. And that frustrates me. A whole lot. Whenever this happens, i'll just start doubting myself, thinking if i'm really cut out for what i want to do. At the end of the day, these doubts will clear and i'll find myself writing and reading more as i believe that if i do have a passion for it, i'll succeed one way or another in the future.

Also, here's a fun fact; since i don't really post much pictures here, i figured i'll start a new "blog" on tumblr which will have more photos and less writing. You can now find me here as well!

Life is good, life is great.

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