Saturday 16 April 2016


You're getting too caught up in things that do not matter.

Everyday, undoubtedly, you'll definitely face a problem of some sort. It's entirely up to you if you want to get drown in those problems and feel like you're a walking mess, or if you choose to just walk over it like it's a small puddle.

There are certain things that have been bugging me a whole lot lately and i've come to realise that i shouldn't even worry about what i've been worrying about from the beginning. Thanks to a certain friend of mine, if i might add. There are just these certain points in my life when problems just hit me out of a sudden like the recent downpours among the heat. It's as if like i can never have a perfect life, like there has to be something stopping me from being as happy as i should and want to be. It turns out that i've been making myself feel anxious and angsty for no reason at all. Yes, we all do have our worries. Yes, it does feel like the whole world is going against you at time. However, all you have to do, is to calmly take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Look at the valuable life lessons and experiences you might be able to gain from a certain setback, look at the amount of people backing you up and supporting you through your tough times and most importantly, look at how far you've come and all the other problems you've been through and survived. Our mindset and attitude towards life plays a humongous part in our happiness. Our happiness is in our own hands, no one else other than you yourself gets to decide if you're happy or not. No one should be able to determine your life or who you are and what you want to be.

Watching my other friends move forward in their lives and also starting to move forward in mine has been really tough lately. I start to think about all the worst possible outcomes from not talking to each other to cutting off all contact sooner or later. The truth is, i've spent way too much time thinking about what could happen instead of doing things that could prevent them from happening. I just ended my orientation for poly a few days ago and all i'm feeling right now is nothing less than pure excitement. I'm honestly and truly ready for what's about to come.

Remember, when life throws you lemons, make lemonade because the heat is unbearable and we all need a cooling drink to calm us down and keep us on track. Stay happy and optimistic, y'all.

Life is good, life is great.

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