Monday 18 April 2016


Goodbyes always lead to fresh hellos. 

It's currently 1.41am and here i am, tearing up over a short film made by some local youtubers. It still amazes me how my thoughts only come into place in the middle of the night.

Goodbyes are difficult; it's probably one of the hardest thing to say to some you care a lot about. Some goodbyes last for a day, some last for a month, and others last forever. I've grown up saying goodbye to a lot of people who mean a lot to me, most of them indirectly. Those are the hardest goodbyes yet. To just accept the fact that you're no longer in someone's life and to just move on without saying anything, that's the hardest goodbye there can ever be. There's also the kind of goodbyes which you never want to say and have no choice but to.

Are all goodbyes sad though? Some goodbyes may be really hard to say, but i believe in the saying, out with the old, in with the new. With every door closed, there'll be another one open. Goodbyes lead to fresh hellos. If you hold onto something for too long, how are you going to be able to see and experience other things there are in this huge, wonderful world?

What are some of the goodbyes you regret saying? And what are some of the goodbyes you were glad you said? Just a little penny for your thought.

Life is good, life is great.

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