Friday 13 May 2016


It's currently 1.27pm and i'm home alone on a rainy saturday.

I love rainy days; they bring me peace. A kind of peace i can never seem to find anywhere else. When all else is silent, the only thing that can be heard is the pitter-patter of the rain. It's such a soothing sound, so soothing i can't be mad or sad about anything else.

Life's been a whirl lately; feelings i thought i once let go off are suddenly surfacing, thoughts i once got rid off are suddenly haunting me at night. School's been great though. I'm still healthy, i'm still alive and i still have people supporting me all the way. Honestly, this just shows that i'm way luckier than more than half the population in the world. And if i am, who am i to complain about anything else? Life is just doing what it needs to do, bringing us our ups and downs, and in turn helping us grow and mature.

So, amidst all the stress and struggles any of us are facing, i would like to share with you guys a good read. It's something that encouraged me lately and taught a few important things. Head on here and i'll see y'all very soon!

Life is good, life is great.

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