Monday 9 May 2016


It isn't our lives that are unfair, it's the people in it who are.

In life, we are often taken for granted and that's not okay. People need to stop taking other people for granted. People need to start realising the worth of other people, they need to know how lucky and blessed they are if they have someone who loves and cares for them.

People only realise what they used to have after they lose it.

Human beings are born with emotions, thus it's up to us who we want to love more and who we want to love less. When you get to be someone's first priority, you need to cherish it and be thankful. I'm not saying that you've to put the other party first too, i'm just saying that you need to learn how to appreciate such things. Taking such things for granted just because "it's their choice and not yours" or because "you didn't ask them to do it" is just pure bullshit. It's not an everyday thing to find someone who truly loves and cares for you, be it romantically or in a bro kinda way. It's a huge blessing and people need to realise that. People need to start cherishing the people around them more. People need to stop saying that life isn't fair, when they are the ones causing it to be.

Fairness is a subjective topic. People lament that their life is unfair, that no one cares for them when they just fail to realise the many people who care for them around them. And by failing to realise that, they start to lose important people to them and then proceed to complain that life isn't fair. GENTLE REMINDER: YOU ARE THE ONE AT FAULT, STOP BLAMING LIFE.

So, take this opportunity and slowly think of who've been nice to you, who've been caring for you and who've been there for you. It only takes a simple word of gratitude to make someone's day, a simple "thank you" would do.

Be nice to others, especially the ones who've been nice to you. Cherish them, love them and care for them.

Make the world a better place.
Life is good, life is great.

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