Thursday 22 October 2015


To be extremely honest... day 2 didn't go as well as i wanted it to. Horrible things cropped up and i just couldn't get myself to think straight. However, EM paper 2 was great and i can already feel my A1 coming! No matter how bad of a day today was, i still believe that tomorrow will be better.

DISCLAIMER: Even though it may seem like i'll be blogging every single day... i'm not. i'll just choose the days which i have more to say i guess.

On a side note, i'm really excited for O's to be over and to finally enter poly. Truth to be told, i've absolutely no idea if i'll be able to get into the poly or course of my choice. I really hope i will be able to though. I have been scrolling through instagram a lot today and seeing some of the design students from TP's accounts just makes me go "woah". TP has been my top choice since the start of this year and as it's a design school, their design students are definitely one of the best in SG. it's amazing looking at their photos and how poly life has been treating them and i just can't wait to be one of them too. Nonetheless, i shouldn't let this distract me so AM here i come!

Life is good, life is great.

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