Monday 26 October 2015


Day 6 went quite well, i guess. However, today's post won't be related to how my day has been or what i've been up to. I've some thoughts that i would like to share.

I am an extremely sensitive person and that is one of my fatal flaws. I notice every single detail about how the people around me are acting and feeling. That, in return, makes me think of questions like, "Do they find me boring now? Is that why they talk to me less?", "Oh, i guess they prefer someone else now. Am i that easily replaceable?". These kind of questions pop into my head so many times, it's starting to turn into a habit.

"Am i close to you then?"
"Not so... yet."

When one of my friend said this to me... i got a little affected inside. I thought that i've grown closer to this friend of mine but wow was i wrong. After thinking about it for a while, i actually really appreciate his honesty. I extremely hate to second guess the things people say or do. I also hate having to doubt my friendships with people.

If you like talking to me, let me know. If you find me clingy, let me know. If you want to hang out with me more, let me know. If you find me boring, let me know. Just let me know how you think and feel, will you?

I really dislike it whenever i get close to someone, only to find out it's a one-sided thing in the end. I mean, yes, it's pretty petty and selfish of me to think like that since it's their lives and decisions, not mine. But i'm just so sensitive to such stuff, i can't help but feel this way. 

I, for one, openly express how much i care for and appreciate my friends. Shouldn't you be proud to openly show how you feel and think when you think of someone as a true friend? Friendship's not a game. You can't just say something and yet, act another way, and expect the other to believe what you're saying. 

Some people may think, why do you even let this bother you? Why do you even notice such stuff? Well, maybe it's just me. But come on, who doesn't want to feel loved? Who doesn't want to be wanted and needed? Though friendships should be about giving and not taking, it would still feel nice to know that you are appreciated from time to time.

At the end of the day, i just have to ensure that all these negative feelings won't change how i am as a person. To end off, here's a question for you:
Are you still you? Or have you let your surroundings change you?

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