Thursday 31 December 2015

19, (Happy New Year!!)

2015 was full of new cliques, old cliques, lots of fight, lots of patching up, a whole lot of skype calls, getting closer to some, drifting from some, study sessions, and lots, and lots of tea. 

It's been a hell of a crazy and hectic year, one of the most horrible, yet best ones ever.  Just by looking at the photos (they're in chronological order btw), it's quite easy to point out who are some of the people i've drifted from and who are the ones i've grown closer to. I learnt a whole lot this year and looking back at everything that has taken place this year... i'm just stunned by the amount of new memories and friendships created this year. 

There are, however, a few things that i've realised and come to accept towards the end of this year. 

It's a bad day, not a bad life.
Yes, everyone has their share of bad days and yes, it may seem like your life could be falling apart at that period of time but yet again, there's a a rainbow after every storm right? Some bad days may seem worse than others but it's not everyday that we have to face such difficulties.

You win some, you lose some.
When a friend of mine told me this quite a while ago, i felt like it was such an unfair statement. Why can't i keep everything? Why do i only win some when i lose some? I've drifted from quite a handful of people this year but i've also made friends with some that i think and hope i'll be able to hold onto for a long time. There were a few friends whom i was very reluctant to let go of, even though i knew that there was nothing i could do to keep the friendship the way it was anymore. I had quite a tough period of time because of that but now i've come to realise that though i may not be as close to them as i used to be, it still feels good when we hang out or chat once every now and then. And after i've let them go, i got to see more clearly who are the ones whom i've gown closer to. I decided then that instead of focusing on holding onto the ones i should let go, i should have spent that time and effort keeping the ones i should be holding onto closer to me. 

Everything happens for a reason.
That leads me to my next point, which is that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's just up to fate that i couldn't keep my friendships with certain people. Maybe it's up to fate that i was lucky enough to meet new people this year who stayed by my side through all the hardships. Truth to be told, there was this period of time where i just felt like all the bad things were happening to me, all at once. But i've realised that good things only happen after i've gotten through the bad ones. It's just like the saying, after every storm. comes a rainbow. Everything do happens for a reason and it just depends on how we handle each situation to determine the outcome. 

This year, i started this project called #LIGx2project. Which basically just stands for life is good, life is great. It's a project where i gave myself a few resolutions to make myself a better person and i wanted it to last for a year. It started off really well in the beginning but due to O's and other stuff, i sort of neglected it for a while. Just about 2 weeks ago, i decided to restart the whole thing to make it more effective but i just want to say that on a whole, i felt that it did make me happier and more positive somehow. I'll continue blogging about it next year and i'll try my best to keep up with it more actively. 

There are lots of people i want to thank so i shall list down a few (a lot, actually) names here. They don't come in order or ranking of any sort.
 My two bffs, Carissa and Charlotte, Jun Kai, Wei Jie, Wai, 3s10, Fishy, Ziqing, Ethel, Norman Elkan, Sherlyn, Zhi Wei, Zi Song, Ryan Ng, Donald, Set, Tarun, Shao, Paolo, Diniy, Xuan, Jong, Wayne, Cheryl, Ray, Pearlyn, Mushesh, Chelsea, Axel, Khaing Oo, Shu Hua, Crappie, Rayna, Tresa, Kelly Ng, Jackeline, Ali, Syafiqah, Keat Seng, Andy, Liana, Amanda, Sam, Jazlyn, Megan, Marcus, Lydia, Raph, Amanda, Wan Ting, Shanice and lastly, clg (haha!!). 
These people have been nice to me one way or another in the past year and i can't say how glad i am to have met them and have them in my life. I'm not close to each and every one of them but no matter what, this year wouldn't be as great without you guys.

That's it! I hope y'all have a wonderful new year's eve and i'll see you guys in 2016!
Happy new year!

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