Wednesday 9 March 2016


It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you're doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.

I want to be contented with my life, i want to feel satisfied with what i have. Being an unsatisfied person is one of my greatest flaws and i'm trying so hard to change it. Some may think, "Then why don't you just change? How difficult can it be?". It is not that i'm not happy with what i have and where i am now, it's just that sometimes, looking at what other people have or like thinking about an ideal life just makes it inevitable to feel a little unhappy. I'm working really hard, trying to change the way i think so that i can be a little more appreciative of what i have; and i really should be.

Today, i met a few old friends and it made me realised how much i missed hanging out with them, talking to them almost every hour etc. I then start to think back about how i could have done this, how i could have said that and everything i can imagine that would allow us to still be really close. However, i realised that instead of thinking about all the what ifs, i should be glad that we're still on talking terms, that i still have them in my life. These little examples do make me feel more appreciative of what i have and it also give me chances to try to think differently.

Family wise, though i don't show it, i do love my family a lot, every single one of them. I might not be on perfectly good and super close terms with them, but i do feel thankful to have them by my side and i am happy to be born in this family. To my parents, i do love you, a lot, if you do see this. Studies wise, i'm not exactly the smartest person you'll know, i'm probably the opposite of that. Today, i had to make a choice of which school i'm going to attend for the next three years. Currently, as of right now, i'm happy with my choice and i'm absolutely thrilled to start school. I went to one of my friends for advice and she told me, if you fail, stand up and move on. If you're not good enough, that's cool because nobody is. If you didn't make a right choice, that's okay too because a lot of people don't either. I deeply agree with what she said and it came to me that i'm at a age where i can still afford to make the wrong choices as i'm still on the road towards finding out who i truly am and what i'm suitable to do. Thus, i'm really satisfied with my choice of school and i'll try my best not to have any regrets. Even if i do, i'll think differently and make the best out of what i have. Friendships wise, i just gave you a great example of the kind of friends i keep close to me. I'm ever so thankful for the friends i have, the ones who bothered to stick around after everything. Though i still think of some friends who left me, i'm trying to focus more on the ones who stayed.

Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never, ever, have enough.

Dissatisfaction is one of my biggest flaws and i'm sure everyone has felt the same way as i did before as well. I know really well that we should always be thankful and be contented with what we have. I'm trying to be a contented and blessed person, are you?

Life is good, life is great.

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